Registration: Before April 30, 2020 midnight
Submission : Before June 15, 2020 midnight
Submission timeout

An optimized TEENOTHON™ contest regarding the ongoing epidemic that it promotes teenagers to maintain aggressive self-development status at home
Organizer :
IPF (資訊科技體育基金)
Sponsor :
Catch Media Inc (USA)
Winning Strategy
Co-organizer (names not listed in order)
National Taiwan Normal University
Dept. of Tech Application & Human Resource Dev
HKFYG Hung Shui Kiu Youth S.P.O.T.
Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School
Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School
Ho Dao College Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen
Kwun Tong Government Primary School (Sau Ming Road)
Scientia Secondary School

青少年抗疫創科設計獎 2020
Registration: Before April 30, 2020 midnight
Submissions: Before June 15, 2020 midnight
Judging Date: June 25 to July 10, 2020 (Video Conference)
Ceremony: About July 31, 2020 (depends on epidemic situation)
Uploading account password and Q&A service desk, will be provided after registration
Anti Virus Thing Awards
Innovate an Anti Virus Things design (device) due to the impact of epidemic
Experience the needs of community due to the impact of epidemic, define the character of problems, innovate an AntiVirus Things design (devices) accordingly. Say like, Thermometer anywhere, Universal hand-sanitizing robot, Air purifying automation, Body-contact-free self-checkout retail counter …
ONLINE submission and assessment
All K-12 students FREE participating
Design has no rule
Contestants can submit complete product designs, or conceptual design drawings. The design output must be a physical device or system
Innovation does not have to make something out of nothing
it can commonly be divided into <Revolutionary>, <Sustaining> & also <Disruptive> that it replaces a product with new solution that is cheaper or easier-to-use than the old method. Q&A desk available after registration.

Technology just flour
THINKING of creating a unique hotdog is value
Assessment goals
Shortlisted teams will be invited to a 8-10 minute video conference
70% of primary and secondary divisions score:
Creativity, Empathy
Technical literacy, Practicality, Market value
30% of primary and secondary divisions score:
Interactive communication skills via Internet
Artistic technological literacy of self-generating multimedia contents
Fun Creation division score: purely creative, no rule
No social network LIKE scoring, Evaluation is based on the strength of innovation


About Innovation
The essence of innovation is to create a product that is better or cheaper than in the past; Clayton Christensen, a professor of business management at Harvard Business School, and Gene Meieran, a senior fellow at Intel, think that there are three forms of innovation, summarized as <Revolutionary>, <Sustaining> and <Disruptive> ; refer to Christensen 's book “The Dilemma of Innovation”.
e.g. Disruptive innovation is known most commonly adopted by start-ups, it can be technically concise, using ready-made materials to provide a solution that is cheaper, easier-to-use, and lower-quality than the old method, so as to cut into the low-end market, horizontally replacing an existing product, or developing a new customer base. It must be noted that disruptive innovation is different from plagiarism. It must apply and replace old things in new ways. e.g. GPS has changed from expensive military use to popular civilian use, while Android gives manufacturers make product smart phone other than iOS.
Innovation does not have to make something out of nothing, but it must be inspired by life experiences to bring value and think outside the box to bring surprise. Back to the epidemic challenge, there are high-school students in Taiwan that created infrared body-temperature scanner for at cost equal to 1/10 of similar products. Some other students made use robotic tech to create robotic arm for hand-sanitizing robot that is programable to fit different types of sanitizing liquid and shape of its container. On the other hand, could a retail system that reducing body-contact, and smart home appliances that monitor particles in air also inspiring your Anti Virus Things creative idea?
About organizer
ICTINPE FOUNDATION is a Hong Kong registered education NGO (91/15045) established in 2014. In 2016, it established the STEM SEED program to innovate consistant Creativity STEM course, Offsite implementation activity, Campus technology as well as STARTUP COMPLEX for youth entrepreneurship
As early as 2014, ICTINPE associated LaSalle Primary School to host the first STEM open event, kicked off the prelude of STEM education in Hong Kong. Then established Cyberport Startup Complex that sharing free spaces and breaking through to support entrepreneurship for talents of ages below 18. Then, associated Cyberport and City U to establish <Hong Kong 3D Mapping Festival> and become the official event of OGCIO International IT Fest. In these years, ICTINPE officially supports Cyberport and OGCIO in their hosting of IES Internet Economic Summit, DELF Digital Entrepreneur Leadership Forum on AI and eSport. It also supported the Israeli Consul Genera in promoting Israeli-Asian activities, establish a middle school <Israel's Startup Nation Tour>, and successfully recommend a Form 4 student into the world’s top 30 high-tech youth list of an Israel Nobel Prize professors’ 10-day Teentech Hackathon program. Obtained SWD fund to benefit 400 students and 300 elderlies for free creative and fun STEM activities.
Last year, ICTINPE was selected by "Student of the Year" the <Special Award for Mentorship>; participated final-list assessor of <HKSAR Top-10 Outstanding Student Elections>; successfully recommended a Form 5 students to direct enrolled <Israel Institute of Technology> that founded by Albert Einstein, with 4-year full-fee scholarship; successfully recommended a Form 5 students to a paid intern team in developing real product project for a world top Japanese brand. There was Form 5 students participated a guest speaker of the opening forum of the HKTDC <Entrepreneurship Day>丶Innovation Tech forum of <Alibaba JumpStarter Conference>丶and be selected <Student of the Year> Grand Award Silver. A Primary 5 & 6 student team was participated a speaker with international speakers from NASA and global universities in the opening forum of the <1st Ocean Park STEAM Education International Conference>
This year, ICTINPE supports Great Bay Area STEM Excellent Award – Hong Kong region 2020, ICT Award – Student Innovation Award and participate an assessor (delayed due to the epidemic)
Wikipedia: Design Thinking >
從人的需求出發 STEM FOR FUN, 基於潛在使用者真正希望得到的事物而為各種議題尋求創新丶有趣的解決方案, 並銜接科技和產業的現實條件, 創造更有價値丶更有人情味的可能性, 而並非只基於歷史數據去作出保守的推論
設計思維越來越流行, 如斯坦福大學丶哈佛大學和麻省理工學院等一流學府皆有教授, 蘋果和谷歌等創新科企也迅速採用了設計思維
設計思維的實踐 :
共建主題 Empathise – with your users 以使用者為中心的設計, 透過多元的方式了解使用者, 包括訪問、調研、體驗、問卷等, 並以使用者的角度出發, 找尋使用者真正的問題和需求
定義需求 Define – users’ needs, problem & your insights 將蒐集到的眾多資訊, 經過架構、刪去、深究、組合後, 對問題和使用者真正的需求更深入地定義, 並用簡短的一句話定義使用者的需求
創作方案 Ideate – by challenging assumptions and creating ideas for innovative solutions 突顯眾多解決方案的特點, , 激發出腦內無限的創意點子, 並透過不同的標準去探究真正合適的解決方案; 在過程中, 不要打斷、不要批評、不要離題; 要延續他人想法、要畫圖、要瘋狂、要數量多、要下標題
製作原型 Prototype – start creating solutions 在設計流程之中動手呈現一個具體的原型 (Prototype), 或一份簡略的草圖也可以, 作為團隊內部或是與使用者溝通的工具; 透過動手的過程加深思考, 明確設計的細節,而產出的結果可作為測試之用
測試解難 Test – solutions 利用前一個階段製作出的原型與使用者進行溝通, 透過模擬情境, 讓使用者可以測試是否適用, 並從中觀察使用者的使用狀況、回應等; 透過使用者的反應, 加深入的了解我們的使用者, 並重新定義需求, 改進解決的辦法,以致產品的設計
設計思維的態度 :
以人為本 以使用者的觀點去體驗,同理其感觸,以達到最貼近使用者的設計
及早失敗 大膽作出假設, 寧可在早期成本與時間投入相對較少的狀況下早點知道失敗, 從失敗的原因中學習更深度的知識和對應和的方法, 並在投入較大的投資前減低損失的程度和風險
跨領域團隊互動 不同領域背景的成員具有不同的專長以及不同的觀點在看待事物。因此, 一個跨領域的創新團隊不只是能够做出跨領域整合的成果, 透過不同的觀點作討論, 也更容易激發出更多創新的可能
實踐學習 實地動手去做出原型, 不論成功與否都能在過程中更進一步去學習
同理心 像使用者一樣的角度看世界, 感同身受的去體驗使用者的問題和需要
快速原型製作 由粗略且簡易的模型開始並很快地完成, 以供快速反覆的修正